Metadata Attributes

Complete listing of all metadata attributes used in skillets.

Preamble Attributes

The preamble is the top section of the skillet providing identifying items, help text, and collection information.

name: sample_validation_skilletbuilder
label: Sample Validation Skillet

description: |
  Short set of validations for skilletBuilder training tutorial with ntp check, password complexity,
  URL filtering for malware, and security allow rules with profiles or groups

type: pan_validation
    - Skillet Builder
    - Validation
  order: 10
  help_link_title: SkilletBuilder sample validation skillet


Globally unique identifier for the skillet referenced by skillet tools and workflows.


The skillet name must not contain special characters such as ‘-‘ or ‘*’ or spaces. Variable names can be any length and can consist of uppercase and lowercase letters ( A-Z , a-z ), digits ( 0-9 ), and the underscore character ( _ ). An additional restriction is that, although a variable name can contain digits, the first character of a variable name cannot be a digit.


A short descriptive name identifying the skillet that is shown in PanHandler selection tiles.


A contextual description of the skillet presented to the user. This may include quick caveats, reminders, and skillet intent.


One of the predefined Skillet Types allowing tools to determine how to play the skillet.


Optional key/value pairs adding complimentary parameters that may not be implemented by all tools. See Labels Attributes below for currently supported PanHandler labels.

Labels Attributes

Labels are key/value pairs attached to skillets. Labels are optional and allow adding additional parameters to Skillets that may not be implemented by all utilities. Labels can be used for grouping, searching, sorting, and identifying skillets beyond just a name attribute. Labels can be used to extend Skillet functionality in arbitrary ways going forward. This behavior is very much influenced by BGPv4 labels and Kubernetes labels.

PanHandler recognizes the following labels:


The collection label is used to group like skillets. A skillet may belong to multiple collections. The collection label value is a list of collection to which the skillet belongs. Skillets with no collection label will be placed in the Unknown Collection.

    - Example Skillets
    - Test Skillets
    - Validation Skillets


PanHandler uses the order label to sort the skillets. Skillets without an order label are sorted alphabetically by their label attribute. Skillets with a lower order tag will be display before those with a higher order tag.

  order: 10

Variables Attributes

The variables section is used to define variables and web UI attributes.

  - name: INTF_UNTRUST
    description: internet Interface
    default: ethernet1/1
    type_hint: dropdown
    source: interface_names
  - name: INTF_TRUST
    description: internal Interface
    default: ethernet1/2
    type_hint: dropdown
    source: interface_names
  - name: IP_12
    description: internal interface ip address
    type_hint: text
  - name: tag_color
    description: tag color
    default: red
    type_hint: dropdown
      - key: green
        value: color2
      - key: orange
        value: color6
      - key: red
        value: color1


A name assigned to the variable.


The variable name must not contain special characters such as ‘-‘ or ‘*’ or spaces. Variable names can be any length and can consist of uppercase and lowercase letters ( A-Z , a-z ), digits ( 0-9 ), and the underscore character ( _ ). An additional restriction is that, although a variable name can contain digits, the first character of a variable name cannot be a digit.


A description of the variable usage and can be displayed as part of a web form.


A default value of the variable, which is typically set to a recommended value.


One of the predefined variable types and associates to web form validation. Some variable types, such as dropdown, will use additional key/value pairs or source options for user selection. See Variables for a complete list of type_hints and dynamic UI elements.


Used in lieu of static key/value pairs in type hints such as dropdown to dynamically create user selections. See source for details and examples.


Shows a field based on a reference field value. See toggle_hint for details and examples.

Snippets Attributes


Name of the snippet. Specifically for workflow type skillets, name references the Preamble name of a skillet to play.


Command action to be performed. The default and values vary by skillet type. See cmd Options for additional details.


The XPath used for set, edit, and delete cmd options for panos/panorama.


The XML element used for set, edit, and delete cmd options for panos/panorama.


A skillet file to be read. This can either be a template file for template skillets, python file for python3 skillets, or an XML file for panos/panorama skillets.


The URI path for REST skillets.


The REST operation, either POST or GET, for REST skillets.


The headers used as part of a REST API call in REST skillets.


The data format for response outputs.


The outputs assigned to a variable. The format is defined using Capture Output options.


Used in python3 skillets to specify method for parsing arguments.


Docker image type, such as Alpine.


A descriptive text associated with a test in validation skillets.


Indicates user-defined severity for a test in validation skillets.


The output message when a test fails in validation skillets.


The output message when a test passes in validation skillets.


A Boolean logic test that is evaluated for validation skillets.


A conditional logic that only performs a test with when is True.


A dictionary that maps the output from one sub-skillet to the input of another in workflow skillets. See the `skilletlib Workflow with Transform`_ example skillet for formatting help.

  • template

    • name - name of this snippet

    • file - path to the Jinja2 template to load and parse

    • template_title - (Optional) title to include in rendered output

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution

  • terraform

    • None - snippets are not used for terraform

    See Example here: Example Terraform Skillet

  • workflow

    • name - name of this sub-skillet to play

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for sub-skillet execution

    • transform - (Optional) mapping of another snippet’s output variable to this snippet’s input variable.

cmd Options


Merges element into the candidate configuration for panos/panorama skillets.


Replaces configuration element with new element for panos/panorama skillets.


Deletes part of the configuration for panos/panorama skillets.


Pulls information from a device for panos/panorama skillets.


Moves a configuration element for panos/panorama skillets.


Parses an input file.


Run an operations CLI commands such as show system info for panos/panorama/validation skillets.


Run a validation test for validation skillets.


TBD; validation


TBD; validation

custom inputs

In this case instead of a cmd option, the skillet includes a command line string, such as ansible playbook command.

  • rest

Snippet Attributes per Skillet Type

Below describes the fields for a snippet depending on the skillet type:

  • docker

    • name - name of this snippet

    • image - Docker image to run

    • cmd - the command to run inside of the Docker container

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution

  • panos, panorama, panorama-gpcs

    • name - name of this snippet

    • cmd - operation to perform. Default is set. See the cmd Options for all available options.

    • xpath - XPath where this fragment belongs

    • file - path to the XML fragment to load and parse. Interchangeable with element

    • element - inline XML fragment to load and parse. Interchangeable with file

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution

    See Example here: Example PAN-OS Skillet

  • pan_validation

    • name - name of the validation test to perform

    • cmd - validate, validate_xml, noop, or parse. Default is validate

    • test - Boolean test to perform using Jinja2 expressions

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution

    See Example here: Example Validation Skillet

  • python3

    • name - name of the script to execute

    • file - relative path to the python script to execute

    • input_type - Optional type of input required for this script. Valid options are ‘cli’ or ‘env’. This will determine how user input variables will be passed into into the script. The default is cli and will pass variables as long form arguments to the script in the form of --username=user_input where username is the name of the variable defined in the variables section and user_input is the value entered for that variable from the user. The other option, env, requires all defined variables to be set in the environment of the python process.

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution

    See Example here: Example Python Skillet

  • rest

    • name - unique name for this rest operation

    • path - REST URL path component path: http://host/api/?type=keygen&user={{ username }}&password={{ password }}

    • operation - type of REST operation (GET, POST, DELETE, etc)

    • payload - path to a Jinja2 template to load and parse to be send as POSTed payload. For x-www-form-urlencded, this must be a json dictionary

    • headers - a dict of key value pairs to add to the http headers. For example, Content-Type: application/json.

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution

    See Example here: Example REST Skillet and here: Example REST Skillet with Output Capturing

  • template

    • name - name of this snippet

    • file - path to the Jinja2 template to load and parse

    • template_title - (Optional) title to include in rendered output

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution

  • terraform

    • None - snippets are not used for terraform

    See Example here: Example Terraform Skillet

  • workflow

    • name - name of this sub-skillet to play

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for sub-skillet execution

    • transform - (Optional) mapping of another snippet’s output variable to this snippet’s input variable.

    • name - unique name for this rest operation

    • path - REST URL path component path: http://host/api/?type=keygen&user={{ username }}&password={{ password }}

    • operation - type of REST operation (GET, POST, DELETE, etc)

    • payload - path to a Jinja2 template to load and parse to be send as POSTed payload. For x-www-form-urlencded, this must be a json dictionary

    • headers - a dict of key value pairs to add to the http headers. For example, Content-Type: application/json.

    • when - (Optional) conditional logic for snippets execution