Example REST Skillet

Here is a basic skillet of type ‘rest’. This skillet will query the Palo Alto Networks Licensing API to track usage of a given authcode. This skillet demonstrates several important aspects of the rest type.


name: track_license_usage
# Label is what will appear in the panhandler UI
label: Track PAN-OS License Usage

description: |
  This skillet demonstrates a simple REST api call to track license usage for a given authcode

# type of skillet (panos, panorama, panorama-gpcs, python3, rest, template, or terraform)
type: rest

# Labels allow grouping and type specific options and are generally only used in advanced cases
# the collection label will determine to which skillet collection this belongs
  collection: Rest Skillets

# this example only requires two bits of information from the operator, the licensing api_key and the authcode
# to check
  - name: api_key
    description: Licensing API Key
    default: 0000-0000-0000-0000-0000
    type_hint: text
  - name: authcode
    description: Auth Code to Check
    default: ABC123
    type_hint: text

# The snippets section is required and is a list of REST operators to perform
  - name: track
    path: https://api.paloaltonetworks.com/api/license/get
    operation: post
    payload: payload.j2
      apiKey: '{{ api_key }}'
      Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Example Payload

Here are the contents of the payload.j2 file

"authcode": "{{ authcode }}"

Snippet Details

The ‘snippets’ section contains all the type specific configuration. Here are the details of each attribute:

  • name - name of the rest operation. This will group any captured outputs later

  • path - this is the full URL to query - You may include variables in this if desired
    • for example: path: https://{{ host }}/api/query={{ query_value }}

  • operation - the REST type operation to perform, in this case we need to perform a POST

  • payload - the relative path to a file to load and parse. If your headers include a ‘Content-Type’ and that type is ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ or ‘application/json’ this file will be parsed using the ‘json’ library and passed to the ‘requests.post’ method as a ‘data’ attribute. In most cases, this file will be a simple json dictionary of key value pairs.

  • headers - this is a dictionary of attributes that will be added to the HTTP headers for the request. Each ‘value’ of the key value pair will be variable interpolated. In this case, we need to pass the ‘api_key’ variable captured from the user.